Somatic Therapy

Cultivating Grounded Self-Awareness

Working with Michelle one on one.

In a Somatic Yoga therapy session we explore being embodied. We learn to cultivate awareness of the many layers of sensation and feeling beyond our patterns. We learn to familarize with the felt experience of connection to ourselves and what being in the present moment feels like. We are familiarizing ourselves with the experience and the intelligence that arises from slowing down, opening to the flow of life and pausing to see what lies beyond our habits.

It’s from this place of connection within ourselves, which naturally can awaken a softer, curious and more compassionate lens, from which we can explore more deeply our relationships, both to ourselves and the world around us.

After several decades studying, teaching and holding space for others. I believe cultivating a deeper connection and awareness in the body is foundational to healing.

We learn what a stable ground within the body feels like and from there we can explore the unlimited. This connection becomes a reliable allie and an anchor to awakening feelings of ease, compassion, freedom, spaciousness, joy, patience, forgiveness, tranquility and aliveness in one’s whole being. We learn to nourish these qualities that naturally arise.

We learn to identify, feel and move beyond our physical, mental and emotional habits and patterns.

When we are waking up the physical body we utilize the actions of breathing, rooting and rebounding to enliven muscle engagement and energy flow.

Through the body we learn to work with, explore and release the unseen, unresolved fear, pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and other traumas.

Some of the benefits both researched and in my experience are a felt sense of calm, clarity a release of stress, increased resiliency and the opportunity to heal unresolved issues in both the body and the mind in this graceful way.

These ancient practices teach a way of being in life that give one access to a deeper unchanging state where peace, joy and equanimity are accessible even amidst the most challenging of times.